For Coaches & Consultants Looking to FINALLY GET TO 20K+/M ...
WARNING! $97/ mo only for the first 100 members for lifetime
You'll get access to the Blitzscale Blueprint in a course format that you can study and implement at your own speed. We believe in educating our clients on how the sales system works in and out for their business.
After getting onboarded you'll get your very own Scaling Partner that will guide and keep you accountable throughout the Scaling Journey. Think of it as the "supercharged employee" who has scaled similar businesses multiple times.
Weekly group coaching calls hosted by the LeanScale delivery team where you get to learn what exactly works right now in the market and you can ask questions.
FILL your sales calendar and grow your business to 20K MONTHS by learning DIRECTLY from a team that has scaled 150+ coaching businesses
Implement the exact appointment system we've used to book more than 2500 calls for our agency and more than 30,000 calls for our clients.
Why hire a marketing agency if you can run the ads yourself? It's not as hard as everyone seems it to be. They complicate it so they can sell it to you. That's the truth.
Land 2-5 new high-ticket clients in just 20 days after joining the group without any investments.
Access 50+ sales funnels, 5+ SMS, and email sequences. Just copy it into your account and customize it to your own brand.
Learn and integrate the exact strategy that "celebrities" use to go viral.
Short-cut the "test and error" phase when choosing your target audience and creating your offer. Create an offer that sells itself and choose an audience that's beginning to work with you.
Learn the exact sales frameworks and scripts that allow us to close, on average, 50% of cold prospects. Never again worry about "sucking" at sales.
Access the exact blueprint that we, as an agency, use to scale coaching businesses to $20k FAST.
Access the Sharp CEO's/ Operators Playbook. Make smart moves and bets, and create a business that you enjoy running.
Two People Going To The Gym...
Two People Go The Gym...
Same tools... same time commitment.... But one comes out with the body of their dreams and the other barely notices an improvement and eventually gives up... Can you spot the difference?
You person who came out on top had a secret weapon... A coach who showed them how to actually use the equipment and tools in front of them.
Thats where we at the LeanScale come into your journey... This is actual, DIRECT access to a team that has scaled more than 150 coaching businesses.
We want to give you the insight you've been missing to achieve the success and freedom you deserve.
Get direct VIP access to the LeanScale team, steal the systems they are using NOW for their clients who are paying them thousands of dollars. Isn't it enough to play the game alone and not knowing what are the next steps to take?
For Less Than The Price of what you spend monthly on coffee.
International culture, international knowledge.
The LeanScale Agency was founded to document systems, tools, and thinking frameworks that have proved effective in our internal companies. In this way, entrepreneurs are provided with tools that are battle-tested across many businesses and are bulletproof.
The origin story changed quickly as we got more and more demand, leading to the expansion of our internal team's structure. Fast-forward, we're "forced" to open three divisions: DWY for coaching/ consulting businesses making below $10k/ mo, DFY for coaching/consulting businesses making above $10k/ mo, and the 360 agency for high-profile people with high online credibility who're looking into either creating or scaling a highly profitable online business.
When we were putting together the founding team or making any new hires, we always looked for "winners" patterns in each of the employee's experiences. "Winners" patterns mean that they have achieved something extraordinary because then we can be confident that they are disciplined, and once they set their minds up for something, they'll follow through. Inside the team, you'll find a European Ballroom champion, an MMA fighter, a world-class violin musician, and others.
© 2024 LeanScale Agency All Rights Reserved.
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. . Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.